Program Overview:
The Customer’s Perception Is Your Reality. – Kate Zabriskie
As part of a dynamic industry in the field of services, do you impress your customers every time you interact with them? Every time you respond to their greeting, pay warm welcome to them, respond to their initial concerns and queries. You must go beyond expectations and develop strong relationships with your customers.
It is essential that you provide a unique customer experience by proactively anticipating your customer’s needs and expectations, exceeding them every single time. Unique strategies and practical action steps to delight your customers so it is always recommended to build a mindset and a toolset to bring your service level up, develop a service culture that sizzles and succeeds.
Workshop Facilitator: FAIZAN AHMAD- Head of L&D, Multinet Pakistan (Pvt) Limited
Click Here to Register: https://bit.ly/3ng9eu0
Key Benefits:
The participants of this program will understand and learn:
- Impact of positive attitude – being solution-oriented, confident, proactive
- Why complete insights about product features or service knowledge is a prerequisite
- Etiquette for telephone interactions & face-to-face interactions
- Importance of e-mail interactions: responding to e-mails the right way.
- Impact of interpersonal skills for in providing customer service
- How to deal with difficult customers/complaint handling
- How to document customer interaction
- What are key components in customer retention and loyalty?
- Customer service feedback process
- Value of communication in customer services
Who Should Attend?
For Front liners such as Officers/Executives, Coordinators, Support Staff and Personnel working in Customer Care, Call Centre, Sales, Marketing, Operations, Administration, and others.