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About the Webinar

What if you could get another hour’s work out of your busy day without working any longer or any harder? When you understand how your brain works your work, a couple of simple shifts in how you structure your day and that extra productivity is yours for the taking.

Speaker:Michael Tipper

In this engaging, thought provoking and productivity increasing introduction to the Masterclass, peak performance productivity specialist Michael Tipper will;

  • SHOW you how your brain’s hardwiring and neurochemistry work AGAINST you being productive and what you can do about it.
  • DEMONSTRATE why trying to multitask is a waste of precious time and what to do instead.
  • EXPLAIN why you procrastinate and how you can defeat it with a few simple steps.
  • GIVE you a 3 step plan you can immediately implement to get more from your day WITHOUT working any harder or longer.

Click here to register for this FREE virtual event:

Participant will receive productivity survey questions after registration

Who Should Attend?

This session is aimed at anyone who leaves their important tasks to the end of the day and is usually too tired to do them. Perfect for busy professionals working from home or the office.

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