Program Overview
About four out of five business professionals admit that they are not able to draft persuasive and polite emails because of lack of proper business writing skills. “Email Etiquette and Writing Skills” is a workshop that is a fast,fun way to get the essential writing skills professionals need to communicate clearly and confidently in everything they write on the job.
This training covers, how to organize thoughts and get off to a quick start and then communicate persuasively in any scenario that requires communication to be established in the form of an email. It will enable professionals to streamline their business writing in various kinds of emails,make a persuasive point, while maintaining courtesy and professionalism.
The workshop will be jam-packed with “Bonus Insights,” and “Practice Sessions,” involving role plays, insightful discussions, team work and constructive criticism, making sure that all participants take away maximum learning from the workshop and thoroughly enjoy it!
Learning Outcomes
- Discover how to structure correct and powerful emails!
- Learn simple tricks for e-mail correspondence
- Safeguard your emails from careless errors through proofreading
- Save time and money by avoiding misinterpretations, numerous edits and miscommunication in emails
Course Facilitator: Kanwal Akhtar
Who Should Attend
This workshop has been designed for employees and managers across organizations in need of learning or polishing their email writing skills.