As consumer focus has massively shifted online during the current pandemic, Digital (= online) Marketing of your Company’s Products and Services has to form an integral part of your overall corporate marketing strategy. ‘Digital’ encompasses everything from online advertising via i.e. Google Search Ads and Google Display Ads, Social Media Marketing,
Email Marketing, etc. all the way to being able to effectively measure the outcome of all online marketing initiatives for their impact on ROI.
In this one-day session, we will look at how to develop a Digital Marketing Strategy to cater to the ‘new normal’ consumer, and how to deploy various online platforms in a tactical way.
Key Benefits
- Understand how Digital Marketing works and how it can be implemented into company’s overall marketing strategy
- Understand relevant technical terms and principles to engage strategic stakeholders
- Understand the use of metrics that drive higher marketing ROI
- Understand to better leverage your digital marketing by being analytically informed
- Leave with a road map on “How To’s” and “Can Do’s”
Dr. Frank Peter, PhD., Int’l Speaker & Corporate Trainer, Digital Transformation, Digital Marketing
Click here to view complete profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drfrankpeter/
Who Should Attend?
- Head of Marketing
- Senior Marketing Managers
- Marketing Communication Manager
- Marketing Research Analyst
- Communications Specialists
- PR Executives
- Anyone who would like to pursue a career in digital marketing
Video Testimonials from Past Participants:
To register, please click here: https://bit.ly/3bx55eS