Course Overview:
This workshop shows the best sales technique in a fun and entertaining way. It helps youto become much better in closing the deal. Full of tips & tricks from best in the industry like Robert Cialdini (The Psychology of Persuasion), Jeffrey Gitomer (The Little Red BookOf Selling) and ZigZiglar (The Secrets of Closing the Sale).Join the over 2.000 business professionals worldwide who have been participant inan Effective Workshop by Mount Scott. So, sign up today and reserve your place!
Course Facilitators:Dave Nelissen
Learning Outcomes
- After this interactive workshop:
- You will know more about the reasons why people buy;
- You will be able to deliver better sales pitches;
- You will know 21 selling and pitching tips & tricks that will help you to close more deals;
- You will be more effective in selling your product or service.
Who Should Attend:
Worldwide over 2.000 business professionals have joined one of theEffective Workshops by Dave Nelissen.
The 21 Selling Techniques is specially developed for:
- Management professionals who want their teams to becomebetter at selling.
- Marketing professionals who like to improve the pitching of theirideas.
- Sales professionals who are eager to scale up their sales skillsand become more effective in selling.